Skin stealer the backrooms
Skin stealer the backrooms

Hounds are humanoid entities with shaggy black hair and oversized mouths full of jagged teeth.They will sometimes just attempt to scare survivors, or pull pranks on them.Ī still-frame of a video depicting a Hound. However, seeing one is not always an attempt on your life. These typically are small pieces of sharp metal, or small knives. They are almost always female, and brandish small sharp objects. They often appear in groups of 2-3, and will torment and attempt to kill survivors they encounter. Child Facelings are mischievous and hostile.

Skin stealer the backrooms skin#

They typically have the appearance of standard adult humans, with smooth skin replacing the entire face.

  • Adult Facelings are friendly and do not act with hostility unless provoked.
  • Both adult and child Facelings have been sighted. They dress in mundane clothes and are generally friendly and harmless, wandering aimlessly around the various levels of the Backrooms.
  • Facelings are humanoid entities that appear as ordinary humans with smooth, featureless patches of skin where their face would presumably be.
  • Below, all currently known entities are listed. They may vary from docile to highly dangerous.

    skin stealer the backrooms

    As said above, entities are wildly varied.Įntities are the main inhabitants of the Backrooms. Out of universe, an entity can be described as "anything living that isn't a person". Each entity has unique behaviors, habitats, and physiological needs, catalogued by eyewitness account in our database, but when in doubt, a good rule of thumb for interacting with entities is to leave them be, oftentimes for your sake. Native to the Backrooms rather than our own reality, the term "Entity" covers a wide variety of beings, from friendly inhabitants with human-like intelligence, to mindless beasts, to creatures whose motivations and abilities are beyond our understanding.

    Skin stealer the backrooms